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Ways to manage Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry
CompatTelRunner.exe is the executable file which is responsible for collecting statistical data from Windows users and transmitting the data to Microsoft. Complicated acronym and sometimes high CPU usage sparked doubts[1] about this file and its necessity. The acronym stands for Windows Compatibility Telemetry and is a legitimate Windows process[2]. Fortunately, the file is not essential for the successful operation of Windows. If the executable file runs on an older operating system and drains quite an amount of CPU usage, terminating the process might be even a necessity. Whether you use Windows 7 or 10 version, below you will find several options how to shut down the process.
Solution 1. Shut down CompatTelRunner.exe with Command Prompt in Windows 7
The fastest option to shut down the command is to use the integral Windows application – Command Prompt.[3]
- You can launch it by clicking Windows key+R.
- Type cmd and click Enter. Note. Log in Windows administrator account.
- Once Command Prompt launches, type the following keys. Press Enter after each successive command.
- sc delete DiagTrack
- sc delete dmwappushservice
- echo “” > C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Diagnosis\\ETLLogs\\AutoLogger\\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl
- reg add “HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\DataCollection” /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Enter the commands in Command Prompt to disable CompatTelRunner.exe.
Solution 2. Limit CompatTelRunner.exe functionality (Windows 7)
- Open Start menu.
- Use Windows Search to find compattelrunner.exe. Once Windows locates the file, right–click on it and select Open File Location option.
- Now right-click on the file in the folder and opt for Properties.
- Navigate to Security tab and then click the Advanced button.
- In the new emerged window, go to Owner tab. Select Change Owner. Locate your PC username in the list, select it and click the Apply button.
- The notification instructing to close all currently open Properties windows pops up. Close open windows.
- Navigate to the folder containing the Compattelrunner.exe file, right-click on this file again.
- Go to Properties, then Security, Advanced, and, finally, Permissions. Choose your account and click Edit. Examine Permissions of Users window. Place a checkmark on Full Control and click Apply.
- Delete Compattelrunner.exe from its folder, then right-click on the Trash Bin and select Empty the Trash Bin.

Change CompatTelRunner.exe file permission rights.
Note. Do not delete the entire KB2977759 update as its absence might evoke latter performance issue.
Solution 3. Terminate Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry in Windows 10
The fastest solution is to access Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry via Privacy settings.[4]
- Click on the Start button, type privacy.
- Enter Privacy settings. Scroll down and enter Feedback & diagnostics.
- Under Diagnostic and Usage data, you can choose how much information your computer transmits to Microsoft. Full access certainly empowers CompatTelRunner.exe.
- Opt for Basic. Minimal data transmission is necessary to keep your Windows receive the necessary updates.

Manage the transmittable data amount on Windows 10.
Solution 4. Change the registry entry value to disable CompatTelRunner.exe
- Press Windows key+R and type regedit.
- Run Registry Editor.
- Once it opens, go to the following location (simply paste the address in the upper search box of Registry Editor) – HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection
- Right-click on an open space and choose New, DWORD (32-bit) value, name the file AllowTelemetry[4].
- Right-click on it and choose Modify. Then, set the value to 0.

Alter CompatTelRunner.exe registry entry value.
Solution 5. Disable CompatTelRunner.exe via Services
- Click on the Start button.
- Right-click on File explorer and opt for More. Expand the list and choose Manage[4].
- Go to the following location: Services and Applications, Services in the left pane. Find Diagnostics Tracking Service or Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service (renamed with the installation of Windows 1511 build)[4].
- Double-click on it. Make sure the command is inactive and select Disabled under Startup type option.

Change CompatTelRunner.exe startup type.
These methods will help you terminate the CompatTelRunner.exe command. Pay attention to every step not to miss any important detail.